LITE has been chosen as 1 of 20 new nonprofit organizations in Northeast Ohio to compete for $20,000 in the Frantz Ward LLP 20 For 20 Program.

The winner is selected by whichever organization has the most Facebook Likes/Reactions on their organization’s photo by August 17th.

Please help us by Liking Leadership Influencing Teen Empowerment in the album and by spreading the word to your family, friends, co-workers, and anyone else.

Make sure your vote counts!

There are some people who use the link and it goes to the correct post for their vote to count , but others use the same link and it takes them to the Frantz Ward Homepage. You need to find LITE in the contest album and vote on that post. Here are 3 steps to making sure your vote counts.

Click the Button below to be redirected to the Facebook Post where you will need to "LIKE" the post with Leadership Influencing Teen Empowerment in it for the vote to count